The structure of the inner most core of the establishment is changing. The banks suddenly cease to exist in its original manner, money as a way of transaction of goods and merchandize has also dissolved into a thing of the past. What if...
We wake up today and realize that everything stands still and you can feel the vibrations of the universe speaking. You can hear the birds singing to the rise of the sun. All inhabitants of this earth are being blessed with the sensation of enlightenment: a state of mind where material belongings and housing and property of any kind no longer matter to us. A sensation of peace and tranquility sweeps over the world like a great flood, with it taking away all the feelings of worry and stress of the masses.
What if...
The headlines of today and the future all state the same thing:” A welcoming, all- knowing sensation sweeps across the world. There is no longer any need for worry or distress!” You ask your fellow man on the street as you go out into this light “Do you feel what I feel?”, the man looks at you with forgiving and loving eyes and speaks. “ Yes I do.”. What if...
As you enter the subway-station people are all coming out to see what IS happening. Everyone knows something is changing in their minds and all around them but words are no longer sufficient to describe this sensation of total well- being. What if...
You sit down and pick up todays paper, it says “ CHANGE IN WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS OVER NIGHT”. You look over your shoulder and you notice a beautiful girl, all you see is beauty and light emitting around her. You no longer think in terms of wrong and right or rigid norms you might have been taught to this age. Now you feel a sensation of perfect order and love all around you and in the deepest part of your self. No more guilt , no more anxiety. What is happening? What if...
You are now outside and in the city. The stores all seem to be open but there ́s no rush of people going through them, instead signs hang in the widespread windows, sun-rays reflecting on them. Inside curious people standing around just gently touching the fabrics as they have not felt this sensation before. What if...
On the square, back outside, people are gathered, people of all ages coming out just for the feeling of freedom from the things that in an earlier life had put a burden on them. This sensation can only be described outside of our earlier senses and way of thinking and feeling. A sensation so pure and without side effects to bring you back to your earlier reality. We can now see music in light and touch the vibration of the notes in the music playing all around us. What if...
Everything is now lit up in a way so that there are no longer any shadows around us. And when you look down at your wristwatch you no longer see the arms of the watch, as if time as we knew it ceased to exist. There is no longer any feeling of loss, instead a feeling of abundance is rising from within you and things as we use to know them all of a sudden have another meaning. A meaning so pure that you do not feel the need to describe them. What if...
You now open your mouth to say something but instead of words the most beautiful music is coming out. You feel even more enlightened, the vibrations of this music coming out of your mouth feel and look like angel-energy waves caressing the souls around you. There is a meaning to this. What if...
Our egos have dissolved and the light spreading from one to another seems to bend corners as it travels all around the globe, connecting people to each other from continent to continent, to all forms of life. We all now understand what is happening and understand everything around us. It is now in us, we are now all in one. What if...
The world is now so still and at the same time so alive that what we use to think of as problems now are presented to us as solutions. As we now love ourselves and the people around us we do what is right. The term “wrong” is no longer because deep inside we now know what is true. What if...
All these things are happening right this moment.